Specializing in Parts & Equipment, Consultation, Inspection & Design
in the Sulphuric Acid Industry.
Specializing in Parts & Equipment, Consultation, Inspection & Design
in the Sulphuric Acid Industry.
Mercad Equipment Inc. (MEI) is an established leader in acid cooler technology and your universal source for sulphuric acid coolers, modern anodic protection equipment, improved consumable spare parts, plus knowledgeable inspection and technical support of your existing anodically protected sulphuric acid equipment, regardless of its origin.
Mercad Equipment Inc. is a private corporation having personnel with experience dating back to 1976 with a combined work related experience of over 60 years in anodically protected sulphuric acid shell and tube heat exchangers, storage tanks and piping systems.
MEI strives to provide outstanding customer service and our clients can attest to that. We at Mercad Equipment Inc. want to thank our clients for all their support over the years.
We are proud to say we are and have always been 100% Canadian owned and operated. All our parts and equipment are produced and fabricated by us here at our facility in Canada. Our suppliers are all from Canada or the United States.
**We DO NOT purchase, produce or fabricate ANYTHING overseas**